Welcome to Pittsburgh East Regional Catholic Elementary Schools, where we provide a superior school experience for all students in preK-8th grade through faith, service, and academics. Our mission is to empower confident, compassionate, virtuous, well-rounded individuals who make a positive impact in our communities and in the Church. |
A Message from Our
Regional Superintendent |
The Church sets aside the month of May to honor our Blessed Mother in a special way. Many of our schools will have special activities throughout the month including May Crowning, Living Rosaries and classroom May altars. Teachers take this month to lead their classes in decades of the rosary to pray for special intentions.
Our Diocese invites us to draw closer to our Lord through his Blessed Mother. Text MARY2024 to 84576 to receive beautiful daily texts. Visit To Jesus, Through Mary | Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh, PA (diopitt.org) for more Marian inspirations and devotions. May our Blessed Mother continue to intercede for us!
We continue to celebrate First Eucharist and the Sacrament of Confirmation in our parishes this month. May God Bless our young people as they mark this milestone in their faith journeys.
May God Bless and Protect you always.
Jonathan Cuniak,
Regional Superintendent for PERCES |
Thank you to the Bridge Educational Foundation & US Steel! |
Our PERCES administrators and families are SO thankful to the Bridge Educational Foundation and US Steel for their $618,000 donation to fund the educational experiences through scholarships to families in the Mon Valley and Allegheny County. Scholarship funds are made possible through U. S. Steel’s participation in Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program. |
Know a family who might be interested in Catholic education? Tell them about PERCES! |
St. Bede Students Take a Field Trip to the Aviary
Every year at St. Bede, each grade level is given the opportunity to go on a class field trip. In April, kindergarten went to the National Aviary to learn about the diets of different bird species! |
Sacred Heart Students Start A
Rosary Challenge |
The Sacred Heart Elementary School Rosary Club has started a 50 State Rosary Challenge to Catholic schools around the country and are praying the rosary for peace. Each school that participates adds a bead to their giant rosary. They have really enjoyed seeing all of the schools around the country participating -- and already had schools join from Alaska to Maine! Share with a school you know! |
Holy Family Students Send Flat Stanley Around the World
Holy Family second grade students sent their Flat Stanley cut outs to family members and friends who forwarded him to other friends and family. The concept of Flat Stanley is backed by a book where Stanley is sent on adventures around the world and documented through writing letters to one-another. The Holy Family Flat Stanley seems to have made it all over the globe!
Mary of Nazareth Students Get Creative for Earth Day |
On April 22nd, the Mary of Nazareth 3rd graders were very clever as they created projects for Earth Day made from recycled items they found at home! We are so proud of their innovative minds. |
Divine Mercy Academy Students Take a Spiritual Journey Through Pittsburgh |
The DMA 4th-8th graders had an amazing field trip in April exploring some of the Shrines of Pittsburgh! The first stop was the St. Anthony Chapel, where they marveled at the incredible collection of relics. Next, students journeyed to the stunning St. Paul Cathedral for Mass and a closer look at its grand architecture. Finally, the day finished at historic St. Patrick Church, learning all about the oldest church in the city! ️
The students were captivated by the rich history and beauty of these special places and can't wait to continue exploration of the Shrines of Pittsburgh on future adventures! |
St. Therese Student Wins International Poster Contest |
Scarlett R., 3rd grade, won the Knight's of Columbus "Keep Christ in Christmas" poster contest at both the state, national, and international levels! We are so proud of her and her incredible ability to incorporate her faith in her artwork. |
Have questions? Reach out to us at speckm@perces.org or call (412) 643-4640 |
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